1.1. Background
Recognized that SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprise) have an important role in the development and  economic growth, not only in the country - state  developing (NSB) such as Indonesia, but also in the country - the country forward (NM) such as Japan,  United States (U.S.) and the State - European countries. In  Indonesia has been frequently stated in a lot of  seminars, workshops and also in the media that SMEs in this country is very important, especially as source growth opportunity work or income. This fact shows that employment opportunities created by the group. This effort is much more than the power of work that can be absorbed by the Large Business (UB).  Because the SME is expected to continue optimal role in overcoming unemployment is likely to increase its number of  each year. With more workers SMEs also have a work, it means the strategic role  the government's efforts to fight poverty in the country.
SME is one of the economic actors has contributed greatly to the product Gross domestic country. In mid-1997 ago, the State of Indonesia hit by financial crisis which led to the fall of the economy as macro. Many large companies that a portion of the heart of the economy Indonesian bankruptcy, many big factories start to make cuts to personnel the case of retirement activity. So, it makes significant influence to the course of wheels Indonesian  economy. But Indonesian economy saved by entrepreneurs of small and medium enterprises, they can be regarded as the savior of the economy. Entrepreneurs can still survive and operate its business, so that the wheel of the country's economy could run well. It seems that the financial crisis that hit the country is not much affect the business or businesses that wheel their small and medium. Their business thrive very significant and fortified as important economic actors of the country.
Although it has a role large in the economy of the country, but SMEs still has many obstacles, including by Sincere T. (2009: 51): (a) Limitations of working capital and investment. (B) difficulty - difficulty in marketing, distribution and procurement of raw materials and its other input. (C) Lack of access to information on market opportunities and more. (d) Limitations Workers with expertise (skills) high / quality of human resources is still low. (e) Ability Inadequate technology. (f) Cost of transportation and high energy. (g) Limitations of communications.
 Obstacles-the obstacles or limitations a sign of the need for development of some parties, especially the government as the creator policy and it is also a sign that SMEs should improve their competence.
According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics ( CPM) and the increasing number of SMEs remain dominates the number of firms. For example, Year 2008 there were more than 51 million, - SME units, compared to only about 4,000, - units Large Enterprises (UB). And the opportunity work SMEs accounted for about 97% of the number of workers in Indonesia. However, the contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the share of SMEs is not too big even though over 50%, whereas in terms of export share is much lower.
Since the beginning of the new era until the present, The Government of Indonesia has been running various wide program to encourage the development and growth of SMEs. Indonesia also has Law - Law SMEs (2008) and has special department for SME is Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. Even in the Law - Law Investment latter no article - a special section of the business group this, and in recent years President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( SBY) create a new credit scheme, namely Business Loan (KUR). Now compared to Developed Countries (NM), SMEs in Indonesia is still weak in many ways, including still more focused on low-tech production.
Entrepreneur For any of the information is indispensable financial information resulting from the accounting system. The output of the system This bookkeeping is the availability of financial information which can be input in the decision-making process economy for the parties concerned, namely owners, managers, employees, investors and the government. This is because the financial information contains developmental assets, debts and capital for one period. Decision-making is good and right will motivate the performance and productivity of businesses. Bookkeeping system, which is now well known as accounting is the name of a service activity, which function is to provide quantitative information, especially of a financial nature that are useful in taking decision economy. Making This bookkeeping through the stages of mutilation in order to generate the information needed for decision making.
UD. TANI SUBURin the district. Pasaman Barat is a company engaged in the field of supply of agricultural infrastructure such as: Seed - seed plants, Poisons & Drugs – drugs Agriculture, All kinds of fertilizer for plants and others - others. Financial accounting has been applied in UD. Infertile Farmer's but there are still many shortcomings - deficiencies in the recording process, and still has not been fully implemented. This research was conducted For the purpose of UD. Tani Subur can apply financial accounting process so able to manage its finances in accordance with the standards good and proper accounting and in accordance with the results expected.
Based on the description above, the authors interested in doing research with the title "Analysis Application of Financial Accounting In Company Intermediate Trade Sector Case Studies " UD. TANI SUBUR"Kab. Pasaman Barat.

1.2. Main Problem
For further discussion about the principal issues to that will be discussed, the authors attempt to formulate the problem is:
1.      How the application accounting medium-sized enterprises in the financial case studies of trade in the field of UD. TANI SUBUR in that district. Pasaman Barat whether it is effective or not ?
2.      Is the process of recording, classifying and pointing have already been implemented and is suitable with the accounting standards IFRS financial?
3.      Is it already in accordance with the Listing IFRS accounting standards?

1.3. Objective
The objectives of this study is to determine:
1.      How the accounting application medium-sized enterprises in the financial case studies of trade in the field of UD. TANI SUBUR in that district. Pasaman Barat whether it is effective or not ?
2.      Is the process of recording, classifying and pengikhtisaran was already implemented and is suitable with the accounting standards IFRS financial?
3.      Is its financial statements are in accordance with financial accounting standards IFRS?


Definition of accounting according to (Rudianto, 2009:14) is activity of collecting, analyzing, that is shown in the form of numbers, classication, noted, summary and reported activities / transactions in the company forms of financial information.
Financial Accounting (Financial Accounting ) Ephraim F. G (2012, 4) is a process culminatein the preparation and communication of financial statements of an entity to be used by internal and external parties. The main output Financial accounting is a financial statement.

According to Law no. 20 of 2008 concerning SMEs Article 1, definition of Medium is as
Medium Enterprises are economic enterprises productive stand-alone, which is done by individual or business entity that is not is not a subsidiary or branch companies owned, controlled, or be part either directly or indirectly from UMI (Micro), UK (Small Business), and UB (Large Enterprises) that meet the criteria Business medium as set forth in Law - The law Later in chapter 6 of the law described on criteria for medium-sized companies as follows:
1.      has a net worth of more than Rp. 500.000.000, - up to a maximum of Rp 10 billion, excluding land and business building.
2.      It has annual sales of over Rp. 2.500.000.000, - up to the highest Rp 50,000,000,000, -
3.      Belongs to Indonesian citizens
4.      Standing alone, is not a child company or branch owned or or affiliated either directly or  not directly with medium and large.
5.      Form of individual businesses, business entities which is not incorporated, or body  incorporated businesses, including cooperatives.

Accounting Cycle Trading Company
While understanding the accounting cycle according Soemarso SR is as follows: Cycle accounting is the stage - stage activities began of the transactions to the preparation of financial statements so prepared for recording transactions occurring subsequent period repeatedly and continuously (Soemarso, 2004:90).
Accounting cycle trading company, namely:
1. Proof of Transactions
2. Journal of General
3. Posting to the Ledger
4. Trial Balance
5. Journal of Adjustment
6. Work Sheet
7. Financial Statements
8. Journal Cover
9. After closing Trial Balance
10. Journal Flip

Physical Framework
Figure 2.1

proof of transactions
compliance with accounting standards generally accepted
financial statements
recording, classification, summarizing


3.1. The implementation of the Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Standards IFRS

3.1.1.  Phase Recording and Classification
1.      The preparation or manufacture evidence bookkeeping or proof of the transaction, either internal and external transaction  UD. Tani Subur incomplete and still require proof of additional transactions others to support transaction processing. And Payment Terms is not yet used in UD. Tani Subur.
2.      Recording in the journal, both general journals and special journal in UD. Tani Subur is not in accordance with the standards generally accepted and there are still many shortcomings it. UD. Tani Subur has only Book Sales & Acceptance cash, purchases and cash disbursements. It records untidy and difficult to be understood.
3.      Post or recording to the ledger, either to the main ledger and general ledger maid. UD. Tani Subur hasn’t applied yet in it company.

3.1.2.  Phase Summarizing
At stage summarizing, covering Preparation of trial balance, preparation of journal adjustment, making journal covers, making trial balance after closing, and Preparation
reversing entries, also yet to be implemented at UD. Tani Subur.

3.1.3. Phase Reporting and Analyzing
The last stage is the stage that must be passed reporting and analysis. As for the reporting stage and analysis include: Preparation of reports finance, which consists of profit / loss statement, Proof of Transactions Recording, Classification, summarizing Financial Statements Suitability with Standard Accounting Finance applicable general, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Financial Position / Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement and Notes to the report Not yet fully implemented its financial UD Tani Subur  Recording his fertile and not in accordance with the generally accepted financial standards. And large Tax has not been in his right graft.


Analysis of research on the application of In Company Intermediate Financial Accounting
Trade Sector (Case Study: In UD. Tani Subur Kab. Pasaman Barat) can be drawn conclusions as follows:
1.      Application accounting finance on intermediate company in area case studies of trade in UD. TANI SUBURin the district. Pasaman Barat yet Effectively, be more effective UD. Infertile Farmer should apply Cycle accounting trading company in accordance with the Standard generally accepted accounting IFRS.
2.      Recording process, classification and and reporting it yet applied and not in accordance with the standards financial accounting IFRS. UD. Tani Subur should apply Process recording, classification and pengikhtisaran and Reporting in accordance with Accounting Standards Finance generally accepted IFRS.
3.      Financial reports are generated UD. Tani Subur not in accordance with Standard Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and they just make statements finance only when want to ask loans, and the number / value they think - Just think and do not correspond to the value actual transactions. UD. Tani Subur must adjust the financial statements were made ​​with standard accounting IFRS generally accepted.

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